June 7, 2023

EveryDay Labs 22-23 Impact: A Summary of Nationwide Attendance Transformations

It’s been yet another challenging school year for the history books. Unfinished learning, mental health, and chronic absenteeism were just a few of the difficulties that districts faced nationwide.  Alarming drops in literacy and numeracy, paired with the looming relief funding cliff, make recovery feel all the more urgent. And while districts continue to invest in their staff, curriculum, and mental health resources, persistent chronic absenteeism has been eroding these efforts. An estimated 30% of students nationwide were chronically absent— for a 10,000 student district, this amounts to a loss of $3.5 million in ADA funding and $2.2 million in instructional resources, at minimum. After all, the best teachers, tutors, and curriculum go to waste when students aren’t there to benefit. 

But it’s not all bad news. In fact, we’ve seen some exciting data come out of our district partnerships this year. After implementing the proven effective EveryDay Intervention and leveraging our MTSS platform EveryDay Pro, our district partners have seen real progress in student attendance, and in turn, student outcomes. We’re proud to highlight these big wins for students, families, and educators alike.

22-23 School Year Overview… and Counting

Select State Overviews

California partner districts saw 62% of students improve their attendance, and 19% stop being chronically absent

Florida partner districts saw 63% of students improve their attendance, and 35% stop being chronically absent.

Georgia partner districts saw 67% of students improve their attendance, and 24% stop being chronically absent.

Ohio partner districts saw 58% of students improve their attendance, and 15% were no longer chronically absent.

Pennsylvania partner districts saw 58% of students improve their attendance, and 17% were no longer chronically absent. 

Texas partner districts saw 64% of students improve their attendance, and 20% stop being chronically absent

EveryDay Intervention’s Impact on Student Learning 

At EveryDay Labs, we believe that every missed school day represents a missed opportunity to learn. Without proactively getting ahead of attendance challenges, the negative impact of missed days can compound over time: 

Based on a 180 day school year with a 5 day school week.

As evidenced in this table, whether moving into a less severe attendance tier or improving from chronically to not-chronically absent, even the smallest improvements in attendance can have an enormous impact on a student’s learning over time.  We’re thrilled to see so many students move out of the “Moderate” and “At Risk” attendance tiers and into the satisfactory tier. 

This graph reflects tier movement for students who were enrolled in EveryDay Intervention in the 22-23 school year

This year, averaging across our 40 district partners, we are proud to report these notable impact metrics:  

A note about the impact: EveryDay Intervention has been rigorously tested through multiple randomized controlled trials, or RCTs. We identify the impact of EveryDay Intervention within our partner districts by analyzing the change in student attendance behavior prior to and after receiving a Mail and Text Nudge, i.e., they received the Intervention. 

Overcoming Barriers, Transforming Attendance

Supporting Families Throughout the Year

EveryDay Labs’ ecosystem of attendance solutions address the root causes of chronic absenteeism by helping students and families overcome barriers to attendance. This includes EveryDay Intervention’s family engagement support: the 24/7 Family Support Bot & multilingual Family Support Team.  

Streamlined & Simplified Family Outreach  

EveryDay Pro provides educators with the timely insights and tools to log barriers to attendance and implement interventions that nurture student success. Here are some stats we saw from users this year:

We're proud of the progress our partners have made in improving attendance and nurture student success, and excited to see what next year will bring!

Ready to learn how EveryDay Labs can transform attendance in your district? Click here to learn more about how you can transform attendance across your district.

Getting students on track starts with attendance. We can help.