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Collaborative learning communities can change student outcomes.

Person opening mailed letter.
June 24, 2024

Start the 24-25 School Year Strong with Our FREE Building a Culture of Attendance Series!

Sustaining strong attendance throughout the year hinges heavily on a strong culture of attendance, where every member of the school community understands the importance of attending every day. Wondering where to begin? Drop in to our FREE professional learning series beginning August 8, packed with expert tips and actionable strategies!
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Person opening mailed letter.
June 12, 2024

The Transportation & Attendance Connection

Between bus driver shortages, long distances to school, work conflicts, and safety concerns, lack of steady transportation can be a huge blocker to regular attendance, and in turn, student success. In this piece, we’ll explore some creative ways schools and districts are working to get more students into class safely and right on time to maximize every opportunity to learn.
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Person opening mailed letter.
May 28, 2024

MTSS Corner: Nurture a Culture of Attendance & Maximize Every Learning Opportunity with Aligned MTSS Strategies

With families and educators not always on the same page about the importance of attendance, building a strong culture of attendance is more important than ever before. Aligning MTSS strategies with your family engagement programs and attendance initiatives can not only help you more efficiently bring families in as partners, but also ensure more students are benefiting from the extensive investments you’ve made towards learning acceleration. Tier by tier, read on for some tips to help you stay organized and effective as you work to build a culture of attendance, maximize learning opportunities through better attendance, and nurture success in school and beyond.
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Person opening mailed letter.
April 25, 2024

6 Ways to Leverage Your MTSS Attendance Dashboard for Better Family Outreach & Student Connections

Meaningful communication & conversations require not just trust and empathy, but clear data that translates into high-impact action. But with time at a premium, it’s not always easy to get the right information at just the right time for proactive, effective support. That’s where the right MTSS attendance dashboard can be a game-changer. Have you tried these six ways to have your data dashboard work harder for you?
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Person opening mailed letter.
April 19, 2024

4 Strategies For an All Hands on Deck Approach to Attendance Improvement

Poor attendance is a major hurdle to student success nationwide. But without every team member committed to improving attendance, getting more students back in class can be especially challenging. How can you engage an already thinly stretched team in attendance improvement? In this post, we’ll explore four ways to inspire educators across your entire district to feel invested in attendance improvement. From more accessible ways to leverage data to strategic partnerships, getting everyone on board with better attendance just got a little bit easier.
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Getting students on track starts with attendance. We can help.