June 3, 2022

Taking a Whole Child Approach to Learning? These Resources are For You

As we grapple with the long term impacts of remote learning and the transition back to school, the need for a nurturing, whole child approach to learning is more essential than ever. And when it comes to improving student attendance, creating a welcoming environment of belonging where students can feel inspired and motivated to explore and push their limits is a crucial part of the equation. 

Pam Allyn, one of the leading experts in  academic and emotional wellbeing and a new way of supporting the “whole child”, spoke at our Power of Present Summit in Boston earlier this spring. Opening with an exercise on considering what it means to be present, and who has been present for each of us in our own lives, that same positivity continued as she dove into the various strategies and ideas on what it means to teach with a strengths-based model.  

This strengths-based model requires some updates in our approaches to knowledge acquisition. After all, new challenges call for new strategies. The below slide from the keynote lays out how we’ve traditionally been approaching learning, and how we can shift to a more dynamic approach in this new era of knowledge. 

This dynamic approach incorporates so much of what we have all learned during these challenging pandemic years, and as we all rethink how to make school as engaging and inclusive as possible, there’s no better time to try something new. 

You can watch the full keynote here

Looking to incorporate more social-emotional strategies at home?

Check out the Family Bingo card from Pam Allyn’s new creation, Dewey, an interactive platform for parents and caregivers of school-age children to feel supported, inspired, and knowledgeable about their child’s academic learning and wellbeing.

Download the full bingo card here.

Want to learn more about how EveryDay Labs’ proven effective attendance solutions can help support your educators, students and families? Click here.  

Getting students on track starts with attendance. We can help.