November 27, 2023

Join us on 12/14 for a conversation with Dr. Todd Rogers and Dr. Shadae Harris on family engagement and better attendance

Where Research & Real Life Intersect: A Family Engagement & Attendance Conversation

December 14, 12:30-1 pm ET 

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Districts with strong family-school partnerships can attest to the enormous impact meaningful relationships have on school culture and student outcomes. And recent research affirms this. A study conducted by Learning Heroes and TNTP, in partnership with Harvard professors Dr. Karen Mapp & Dr. Todd Rogers, shows that schools with high levels of family engagement before the pandemic have seen much lower rates of chronic absenteeism. 

Join Dr. Todd Rogers, Harvard behavioral scientist & Chief Scientist at EveryDay Labs, along with Dr. Shadae Harris, Chief Engagement Officer at Richmond Public Schools, for a conversation around what we can learn from the latest research around attendance and family engagement and how Richmond is leveraging innovative family engagement strategies to transform student outcomes across the district.

Getting students on track starts with attendance. We can help.