October 6, 2023

Tune in on October 25 for Family Engagement & Student Support Strategies from Pittsburgh Public Schools

As the fresh start of the new school year fades, it’s time to dig into real strategies to keep families engaged and student attendance high.

Our partners at Pittsburgh Public Schools have been implementing a wide range of strategies to support their students and families, including strategic staffing, mental health supports, attendance intervention, and much more. 

Tune in on Wednesday, October 25 from 3-3:30 pm ET and join Carrie Woodard, Director of Student Support Services - School Counselors at Pittsburgh Public Schools as she shares the district’s experiences in post-pandemic recovery, highlighting:

  • Family engagement strategies that galvanize and support their school communities
  • Student support strategies to help students overcome barriers to learning
  • What's in store for this school year 

Save Your Spot! 

Getting students back on track requires a multi-faceted approach of intentional family engagement strategies, strategic supports for helping families and students overcome barriers to learning, and evidence-based interventions for better attendance. If you’re an educator working hard to address unfinished learning, mental health challenges, and chronic absenteeism, you’ll want to tune in to this session!

Getting students on track starts with attendance. We can help.